Equifax and Credit Freeze tips

You probably heard Equifax was breached -more info here: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2017/09/the-equifax-breach-what-you-should-know/

Go here and enroll: https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com/enroll/

Once you’ve enrolled (and Equifax has confirmed you’ve enrolled), follow the instructions here to put a freeze with all 4 credit bureaus:
You also should probably put a freeze on your child’s credit while you’re at it.

Watch out, Safari users!

Apple Safari vulnerable to multiple attacks:

Safari users may be subject to crashes or interactions with an attacker’s malicious site, according to a warning posted on Tuesday on BugTraq .Researcher Juan Pablo Lopez Yacubian is credited with finding multiple vulnerabilities in Apple Safari 3.1.1 for Windows. Other versions of Safari may also be affected.

Bluetooth lock/unlock Ubuntu

I don’t have a Bluetooth phone, but this kinda makes me want one.

Howto: Use BlueProximity and your cellphone for security – Ubuntu Forums

BlueProximity is a clever program that sets up your computer to lock itself when your phone is out of bluetooth range, and unlock itself when it comes close enought again.

Basically you walk up to your laptop – it unlocks. You walk away – it unlocks.